Websites & Code Fun
Client: Me – For Fun
Objective: My love for problem solving, motion, design and interactiviy is reflected in my passion for developing and designing front end parts of a website.
Objective: My love for problem solving, motion, design and interactiviy is reflected in my passion for developing and designing front end parts of a website.
Deliverables: Using HTML, CSS, JQuery, and an interactive Processing sketch from Creative Coding. Websites and code sketches range from conceptual, to narrative.
︎︎︎Creative code fun animation.
︎︎︎Poster made with creative code elements
︎︎︎Self portrait made with creative code
computer camera hack.
computer camera hack.
Website: Reflections of the Internet. The good, the currupt and the misinformation.
Thankfully there is a Log Off option. The elemental beauty of our terrestrial world – You Are Here.
Website: An animated Tan Lines poster.
Website: A Butterfly’s Perspective.